Butler County Transportation Survey

February 19, 2020

The Butler County Commissioners have initiated an effort to identify ways to improve transportation to and from jobs in Butler County, and we need your input. This survey is intended to get feedback from employers on whether your company experiences problems recruiting and retaining employees due to lack of transportation or transportation barriers.  Survey results will be examined to determine next step strategies; such as conducting more research, performing additional public input or designing a transportation demonstration project.

We are  asking that you forward the survey instrument to all of your organization members and affiliates.  The intention is to solicit input from as many employers as possible.  Every employer should participate; large and small, public and private, for-profit and nonprofit.  Employers:  If you have more than one job site in Butler County, please complete a survey for each site, and feel free to pass this email on to others.   The survey instrument will remain active until February 28, 2020.

Please use this link to access the survey: Butler County Transportation Survey




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