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“Penn United has long been involved with the Butler County Manufacturing Consortium. We find being a member has a lot of advantages. One great advantage that all companies can benefit from is training dollars. The Consortium always keeps us informed of funds available to help offset the cost of training in our company.

Another great advantage is the subject matter discussed at each meeting. All of us, as manufacturers, face challenges. At our meetings, we discuss these challenges and share our best practices with other group members.

The consortium also participates in community outreach, letting the community know who we are and the career opportunities that we have to offer. Going into high schools and explaining what modern manufacturing looks like, and promoting not only manufacturing in general but what your individual company has to offer to graduates has been a recent focus of our group.

United as a consortium our local manufacturers and partners are changing the image of manufacturing in our community, and promoting to the next generation workforce, the advantages of a manufacturing career

– Scott Covert, Training Coordinator

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