Scalable Grant: Up to $25k available for work done with local manufacturers.
March 22, 2020
IW’s has $25,000 in Scalable Grants available for startups that are looking to take their hardware to the next level of production. The $25,000 comes in the form of reimbursements for expenses incurred with manufacturers located in the 8 counties surrounding Allegheny County (Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Washington, & Westmoreland).
The best applications will detail why 1) solving your current manufacturing challenges is the top priority for your business and 2) your relationship with the local manufacturer will continue to grow and be mutually beneficial. Here is how the process works:
Apply here. The sooner the better; we’d love to work with you to refine your proposal.
You may submit multiple ideas, or submit a revised proposal at a later date.
Applications will be reviewed on April 7th.
If you’re accepted, we will work with you to outline a scope of work, timeline, vendors, reimbursement maximum, and cost estimates.
Once the project begins, you provide proof of expense incurred and IW reimburses you for 50% of each eligible expense up to an agreed maximum total reimbursement.
For more information follow this link to our website, reply to this email, or sign up for a time to chat on the phone with me here.
If you need help finding the right manufacturer, check out our Scalable Database here, or sign up for office hours here; I’m here to help!
If you’re working with a manufacturer that you’d like to add to the Scalable Database, or if you’d like to add your own business to it for manufacturers to find, please fill out the form here. Note, not all of the information submitted to this form will be visible on the public database.
For additional information check out the Scalable Innovation Program Website, reply to this email with questions, or sign up for time to chat with me here.