Energy 101 Webinar – High Performance Materials

April 1, 2020

NETL Regional Workforce Initiative

Energy 101 Webinar Invitation – High Performance & Advanced Materials

April 7th Tuesday; 11 AM to 12 PM


How do research breakthroughs and innovations create regional and national economic and workforce opportunities?

High performance and advanced materials are a key component to amassing huge energy efficiency across a number of industries. This energy efficiency translates to real cost savings to both the industries and the US consumer. But what exactly are high performance and advanced materials and how do they work to save energy while also creating new opportunities for economic growth and jobs?

High Performance Materials

The Crosscutting Materials program works to accelerate the development of improved steels, superalloys, and other advanced alloys to address challenges of both the existing fleet and future power systems. Materials of interest include those that enable components and equipment to perform in the high-temperature, high-pressure, corrosive environments of an advanced energy system with specific emphasis on durability, availability, and cost both within and across each of the four primary research areas:

  • Computational Materials Design
  • Advanced Structural Materials
  • Functional Materials for Process Performance
  • Advanced Manufacturing


About the Energy 101 Series

The NETL RWFI Energy 101 Series provides a basic primer on the research conducted at NETL, including the challenges and potential economic and workforce opportunities that successful research into these topics and their related challenges may bring to the region and the nation. NETL researchers present information on their work in an easy to follow and thus easy to communicate fashion.



  1. Introductions & Webinar Instructions
  2. NETL Regional Workforce Initiative and NETL Research Background- Anthony Armaly- NETL RWFI Federal Coordinator

     III.            Energy 101- Briggs White, NETL Technology Manager, High Performance Materials

  1. Technology Workforce Discussion
  2. Conclusion


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