Networking Across The Country, Virtual Event May 21 at 5:00 PM ET

May 18, 2020

Please join us and the Schaumburg Business Association for our virtual networking across the country event. By participating in this event, you become part of the first virtual networking across the country event in the country. Schaumburg Business Association serves the largest suburban economic center in the state of Illinois. The 800 member chamber of commerce is conveniently located near the city of Chicago. You may register for this free event at the link below using code BCC2020. In the world of business geographical walls have been declining rapidly. This is a perfect opportunity to meet business professionals from a geographically different location. This is also a perfect time to just connect, compare and contrast with professionals during the COVID-19 Crisis.

To Register: Use Code BCC2020…/virtual-networking…

Please note that the event will run from 5:00-6:00 pm EST


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