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NAM Announces COVID-19 Vaccination Awareness Campaign 

January 27, 2021

Dear Manufacturing and Small Business Stakeholder,

Manufacturers have asked for our urgent support in addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. That’s why the NAM and The Manufacturing Institute are launching an initiative to encourage manufacturing team members, their families and their communities to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

The project, called “This Is Our Shot,” seeks to boost COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among manufacturing team members, their families and their communities through a multifaceted national campaign. As part of the launch, the NAM released “I Love Frank,” a public service announcement highlighting why manufacturers are rolling up their sleeves to get a COVID-19 vaccine: to protect their family, coworkers and the people they love. The PSA will run across various social media and digital platforms and is the first in a series that will be released in 2021.

We invite you to share this PSA and these messages with your stakeholders and with your followers on social media and help us get the word out that vaccines are safe, effective and vital. If you have any questions or ideas as to how we can strengthen our efforts, please let me know.


Todd Shelton
National Association of Manufacturers
Director, Field Advocacy-(OH, KY, MI & Western PA)


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