PSU New Kensington Offers Manufacturing Digital Fundamentals Certificate

November 4, 2021

This program is for individuals looking to enter the manufacturing field or those who are entry level and are looking to grow, strengthen or refresh their manufacturing future-ready skills to be competitive in the field.


  • Receive an overview of the manufacturing field and related topics
  • Understand design and manufacturing capabilities
  • Strengthen essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, problem solving,
    creative thinking, ideation, teamwork & more
  • Understand quality principles – planning, assurance, control and improvement
  • Learn about lean manufacturing and thinking concepts
  • Apply data analysis and visualization to decision making processes
  • Understand various digital design tools and learn the basics of digital twins
    in a smart manufacturing environment

In-person classes (3 hours each) start on Wednesday, January, 5, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.
and will be held weekly for 14 weeks.

You’ll learn by doing through hands-on demonstrations and understand
practical applications through success stories from industry users and experts

  • Completion of all four modules will earn a Manufacturing & Digital Fundamentals Program Certificate from Penn State and 4.5 CEUs. For information regarding individual modules, please contact us.
  • Online, interactive assignments each week, powered by ToolingU, can help a
    participant progress to a Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) program
    recognition. Completion of the 25 required courses and successful completion of a
    final certification exam will result in a nationally-recognized certification from the
    Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
  • An individual’s local CareerLink will work with companies to coordinate and help
    with receiving appropriate funding. Please contact Phil Grove, CareerLink, at
    (724) 334-8600 for further details.
  • Program Fee per Individual: $2,100
    module I module II module III module IV
    For questions about the course, contact Steve Leonard, Digital Foundry at 412-759-3113 or
    For registration assistance, contact Beth Nury, Penn State New Kensington, at 724-334-6011 or

PSU Manufacturing and Digital Fundamentals Flyer

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